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DIN And ABA Certification, What You Need To Know

Views: 99     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-06-25      Origin: Site


In the flexible packaging industry, compostability is a measure of whether a packaging bag is sustainable. There are many compostable certifications, and different countries and regions have different standards and certifications. Among them, DIN and ABA certifications are important compostable certifications in the flexible packaging material industry.

Abroad, many families have the ability to compost on their own, so two certification methods have been derived: home compostable certification and industrial compostable certification.

DINCERTCO is an authoritative biodegradable certification body in Europe. Products certified by it can obtain the DIN-Geprüft mark. Products with the DIN-Geprüft mark indicate that the product meets strict safety and quality standards and complies with DIN, DIN EN or DIN EN ISO standards. Products with this mark should be subject to regular inspections.

DIN-Geprüft Compostable Certification

DIN & ABA certificate

DIN CERTCO provides certification for products made of biodegradable materials that are compatible with home and garden composting. Certified products are awarded the "DIN-Geprüft Home Compostable" mark, as well as a separate registration number. Products that pass the home composting test can also apply for ABA (Australian Bioplastics Association) certification and REAL (Renewable Energy UK Ltd.) certification at the same time, meeting the requirements of different markets at the same time.

Industrial composting, also known as commercial composting, is large-scale composting designed to process large amounts of organic waste. Industrial composting certification by DIN CERTCO can obtain the "DIN-Geprüft Industrial Compostable" mark and the Seedling compostability mark of the European Bioplastics Association at the same time. Both are based on the DIN EN 13432 standard.

The Australian Bioplastics Association (ABA) provides similar certification for compostable products in Australia and New Zealand. The ABA certification is very strict and evaluates the compostability of packaging materials in industrial and home composting environments. This certification is particularly important for products targeting the home compostable packaging market, ensuring that they can be effectively decomposed in a backyard composting environment.

Products that have obtained the "DIN-Geprüft Industrial Compostable" certification can apply for certification from BPI (applicable to the North American market), ABA (applicable to the Australian market), and REAL (applicable to the UK market) after passing additional corresponding tests, and obtain authorization to use the corresponding composting logo. Products with one of these three logos indicate that they meet the industrial composting certification of the European Union, the United States, Australia, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). You only need to apply for one test to meet the requirements of different markets at the same time.

Biopack is a leading supplier of sustainable packaging solutions. Our product range includes industrial compostable packaging and home compostable packaging bags, and the materials are all certified by DIN and ABA. Biopack's comprehensive compostable packaging solutions can meet the specific needs of different brands, ensuring product quality while reducing environmental footprint.