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How Long Do Coffee Beans Stay Fresh In Sealed Bag?

Views: 155     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-18      Origin: Site

Making a cup of coffee is easy, but making a cup of perfect coffee requires extra care. One of the most important things is to start with high-quality premium coffee beans that have been properly stored to maintain freshness and flavor.

But what does "proper storage" mean? How long can coffee beans keep in a sealed bag?

Coffee is a perishable product, which means it spoils easily. Coffee beans contain natural oils that begin to oxidize when exposed to air. Even if you keep coffee beans away from oxygen, i.e. in the vacuum bag they came in, coffee beans can deteriorate over time.


The best way to preserve coffee is to keep it in an original packaging, as the bag is designed to keep the coffee fresh for as long as possible. At BIO PACK, we can provide recyclable and compostable packaging that not only keeps coffee fresh for a long time, but also sustainable.